An Ecuadorian Weaver at the Artelar Ferinango studio

by L Bosco
An Ecuadorian Weaver at the Artelar Ferinango studio
L Bosco
Photograph - Digital Image
We visited Artelar Ferinango studio with my REI trip to Ecuador. This studio/shop has multiple looms and family weavers who produce and sell lovely multicolored woven products. I love this photo because the etherial effect show just the fast motion of the weaver and looms they work together in producing all of these lovely textiles. The nearby Otavalo market is in the highlands of Ecuador, between the rainforest and the coast. Many of the inhabitants of the area continue to practice traditional ways of life, wearing traditional garments, and practicing age-old occupations. Otavalo in particular is known for its highly-skilled weavers. In a tradition that pre-dates the arrival of the Incas, Otavalo weavers are famous for their wool ponchos, blankets, and wall coverings.
September 22nd, 2020