A Pair of Mottled Ducks Sarasota Jungle Gardens
by L Bosco
A Pair of Mottled Ducks Sarasota Jungle Gardens
L Bosco
Photograph - Digital Image
These mottled Ducks are relatively uncommon in Florida. Similar to mallards except that both sexes are mostly brown and buff. The female is richer with a yellow bill and a black patch at the opening of the bill (the gape). The very buffy face and throat lack fine streaking. The back (scapulars) and sides are rich brown streaked with buff. Males have intensely yellow bills; females have greenish yellow to orangeish, with or without dark markings. White in the tail is an indication that the individual has some Mallard genes: a pure Mottled Duck has a dark tail. Sarasota Jungle Gardens is an historic roadside attraction that dates back to 1939.
October 17th, 2020